Security service in convenient store

Security service in convenient store

Nowadays, there are more and more number of convenient stores which serves the shopping demand of customer in Ho Chi Minh city and surrounding areas. Citizen also has the habit of shopping at stores close to their houses. Therefore, convenient stores are places have crowd including diversity people including bad people who steal the assets inside and outside the store.

Security service in convenient store
                                              Security service in convenient store

In order to ensure the security at convenient stores, the safety of assets of store, especially the safety of health and assets of customer in those areas, Yuki 24 security company supplies professional security service which is professionally trained which would satisfy your requirements.

Standard of security man in convenient store

Being regularly and professionally trained with security skills.

Constantly practicing martial arts of counter-reaction and defense, actively solving potential accidental situations.

Practical experience of accidental situations

Good health and active reaction serving for observing and solve well all situations

Always highly aware of questionable subjects in order to prepare for reaction and support in case of necessary.

Fluently using supporting equipments in security tasks

Experiencing the practical training of Yuki 24 security company about fire fighting and prevention in case of fire accidents.

In professional security service, Yuki 24 security company guaranties basic benefits:

Ensure the health’s safety for customer shopping in convenient stores.

Minimizing the potential losses about customer assets and store owner’s assets.

Carefully monitor the shopping environment in order to create the convenience and comfortable for customer’s shopping.

Minimizing and preventing the impact of bad people that harm to the security of areas.

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