Security service in apartment

Professional security service in Restaurant

Security service in apartment

Nowadays, in our country especially in some cities, the number or apartment as well as people living in apartment continuously increase. In order to well ensure the security, the surrounding areas should be protected more carefully to secure the assets as well as health safety for citizen in this area.

However, the practical experience showed that many areas in apartments have low security in managing the rubbery, prostitute, drug, murder…those problems strongly affect to the mental and body safety of people living in this areas.

Security service in apartment
                                                           Security service in apartment

The professional security service in apartment including ensuring security, asset and life security, prevention of illegal entrance, causing disturbing, impersonation, fire prevention and fighting, electrical accident from happening in apartment, ensuring nice environment, coordinate traffic in apartment…

Main functions of security service in apartment:

Control entrance of apartment including citizen inside the apartment and visitors.

Checking and observing questionable objects in order to prevent the potential problems.

Ensuring the security of people living in the apartment.

Ensuring asset security in apartment, prevent it from stealing, prevent strangers illegally entrance to apartment.

Ensuring the safety environment by preventing trouble maker affect to the life of people in apartment.

Solve potential problem in apartment: explosion, electrical accident, stealing, fighting, disturbing…

Managing the security of car, motorbike, bikes in the area of apartment

Security service in apartment
                                                                  Security service in apartment

Regularly cheaking equipment and facility in the partment

Suggestion for security positions:

Underground foor, parking areas

Entrance gate

Corridor, elevator, floors in apartment

The front and the back of the apartment

Commitment of apartment security service of Yuki 24 security service company

Professionally trained security man experienced the professional training courses and having good personality and ethical.

Constantly changing ship to ensure security 24/24

Never leave the position without replacing other security man

Follow seriously the regulators of apartment

Regularly checking the security equipment and fire fighting, preventing equipment

Compensating for loss of asset according to signed contract




Tel: (08) 6274 1919 – 0978 911 678



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